5 Productivity Tips for Digital/Remote Workers – Get Things Done!
Being more productive while feeling less stressed is a challenge for many remote workers around the world. Whether you’re a virtual assistant, graphic designer, or a content writer, it’s important to know how to beat deadlines in the most efficient way.

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash
With some distractions and setbacks encountered when working remotely, how do you overcome these challenges so you achieve success and time freedom? Here are 5 productivity tips to make sure you get things done on time:
1. Divide your time appropriately. Planning out and scheduling your daily tasks as a remote worker is indeed helpful. Since you’re not in a 9-5 job, it’s best to assign specific time for email, staff meeting, research, and writing. By doing so, you can control your work flow and avoid distractions.
2. Warm up before working. Just like hitting the gym, you need to warm up and condition your body for the day’s work. You can listen to music or podcast, do your workout routine, walk or jog, and read your favorite book. These activities will help you prepare for a productive day while reducing stress and hassles.
3. Determine your priorities. With a target in mind, you can easily accomplish your tasks daily, weekly, or monthly. This includes organizing your workflow and sticking to your schedule. Self-discipline is crucial here because you need to follow your to-do list and other work responsibilities in a given time.
4. Use the right tools. Work-from-home professionals require the best tools in order to provide efficient results. One of the most important tools is to have a comfortable equipment and work station such as ergonomic chair to support you throughout the working hours. Also, your laptop must be reliable enough especially during urgent projects.
5. Know when to take rest days. Being a remote worker doesn’t mean you should work everyday and be available 24/7 for your clients. You also need to shut off just like your computer during weekends and holidays. To avoid distractions, know when to decline social invites. You pretty much know how to balance work and family time so you surely got this.
No matter what you do or how much work you need to accomplish in a day, self-care is still important. If you help yourself become more flexible in your work schedule, you can be more productive and stress-free while doing your home-based job. So, how do you get things done at home as a digital worker?
Starting a new remote or work from home gig, be it a contract project or a full-time job, can be a little intimidating if you’re used to going into an office day after day.